Welcome to the Pittelkow group website

We are a young research group is based at the Department of Chemistry at the University of Copenhagen. The research is largely hypothesis and curiosity driven and employs the principles of chemistry to address questions of importance in chemistry, biology and materials science.

The group is a part of the molecular engineering (MEG) research group at the department of chemistry.

The main tool used in our research is synthetic organic chemistry and a number of spectroscopic techniques.

Bachelor projects, master projects and PhD projects can be performed in the group. A degree in synthetic chemistry leaves students well equipped for carrers in a wide array of academic positions, the pharmaceutical industry and in the chemical industry in general.

Contact information:

Michael Pittelkow
Department of Chemistry
Universitetsparken 5, room B310
2100 København Ø
Ph. (+45) 35320155
E-mail: pittel@kiku.dk






© 2008 Michael Pittelkow.